What we do

How we do it

Who we are

How we behave

Our passion lies in developing the effectiveness of individuals, teams and leaders.

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From our experience of working within high performing environments, we believe that all teams have room for continuous improvement whilst having fun along the way.

"If you could get all the people in an organization rowing in the same direction, you could dominate any industry, in any market, against any competition, at any time."

Patrick Lencioni

Our Clarity

What we do

Leading Teams is an action-oriented leadership and team effectiveness training company. We create a force multiplier effect to existing potential within your workforce to drive business efficiency
Comprised principally of commercially experienced former military leaders, we offer a range of leadership, followership and teamship modules, based on our 4Cs model: Clarity, Cohesion, Contribution & Character. Our training creates the environment for people to challenge themselves, stretch and grow. We are serious about developing teaming skills & igniting leadership potential as a foundation for driving efficiency and reducing waste.

“A Force Multiplier is a tool that enables you to amplify existing effort to produce more output.”

Josh Kaufman

Individual Effectiveness Course

Individual Effectiveness Course

Introducing the 4Cs framework, modules include:

Clarity – seeking to understand objectives and context; defining own goals and step plans to achieve

Cohesion – understanding delivery framework and your part in it; listening to other perspectives and seeing opportunity in difference;

Contribution – knowing what you need to deliver, how and why; learning continually; being good at your job;

Character – developing self-awareness, personal resilience, moral courage and ability to give and receive feedback; role modelling positive spirit and constructive feedback.

Team Effectiveness Course

Team Effectiveness Course

Using 4Cs handrail, modules include:

Enabling individual contributors to collaborate for better results;

Creating a values-based climate of trust, care and honesty;

Facilitating the sharing and reapplication on of learning across the team;

Establishing and adhering to clear team standards and processes;

Building a spirit of curiosity, productive challenge and innovation

Team Leadership Course

Team Leadership Course

Using 4Cs handrail, modules include:

Proactively seeking clarity around customer, stakeholder and team needs;

Expectation setting: being able to give and receive clear feedback; Being agile: anticipate change and course correct as needed;

Building and communicating a compelling vision and strategy for the leader’s area of responsibility;

Creating followership: share vision and strategy with conviction, passion and belief;

Being decisive: take calculated risk in pursuit of results

Rowallan Leadership Foundation

Rowallan Leadership Foundation

Intensive experiential activity courses designed to develop character, build confidence and ignite leadership potential through adventurous training. Using the 4Cs handrail, the course is:

Challenging, fast moving, learning experience

Frequent opportunities for participants to lead and learn with their peers

Deliberate uncertainty injected into program to instil resilience and agility

Supported by productive and robust leadership feedback

Our Cohesion

How we do it

We are committed to developing training that meets your needs and has measurable, lasting impact.
To achieve this, we partner with you to analyse and understand your training needs, enabling us to plan and deliver a fully customised experiential program using our innovative 4Cs team effectiveness model. All of our training is designed to be measurable, using agreed metrics, to demonstrate true value add. People are at the heart of our business and we are meticulous at selecting the very best experiential trainers who bring energy, imagination and innovation to facilitate impactful training. We draw the best out of teams by encouraging stretch whilst having a lot of fun along the way.

"If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself"

Henry Ford



Nothing we offer is “off the shelf.” From the get-go, we partner with our clients to seek absolute clarity on which aspect of corporate strategy our training will support. Only then do we build the training program around confirmed deliverables and desired impact. We use our own Team Effectiveness IP (the 4Cs) as the “golden source” throughout our training.



We design our trainings to be transformational and persistent. We have learned that by engaging individuals interactively, enabling them to practice new skills and behaviours in a safe and fun learning environment, they will be able to more effectively integrate learning and effectively shift behaviour in the long-term.



Participants leave all of our trainings with a fine-tuned set of tools and tangible steps to address workplace challenges and affect lasting, positive change. Our primary goal is to help your people and your organisation drive bottom-line results.



We believe that people grow best by stretching. All of our trainings are designed to creatively encourage participants out of their comfort zones and into new possibilities, perspectives and behaviours.

Our Contribution

Who we are

As a point of difference, Leading Teams draws on best-in-class business & military IP, faculty and training methodology.

Each member of our team contributes aspects of their own wide ranging backgrounds to deliver truly inspirational experiences to your people, which in turn delivers measurable workforce multiplier effect.

“Amazon actively seeks leaders who can invent, think big, have a bias for action and deliver results on behalf of our customers. These principles look very familiar to men and women who have served our country in the armed forces, and we find that their experience leading people is invaluable in our fast-paced work environment.“

Jeff Bezos

Our Character

How we behave

We are fortunate to benefit from the engrained values and standards that served us well in the Armed Forces and which we carry through to our business activities.

Most companies succeed or fail on the behaviours of their people. When working with us, you will see that we live and breath our values as outlined below. Leading by example, our training will encourage your people to live and breathe yours.

“Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier”

Colin Powell

Serve to Lead

Serve to Lead

We have the world’s finest military leadership training in our DNA and have adopted the motto of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst as our first core value. We believe in a culture of service leadership - putting the needs of others before our own.

Think big, then do

Think big, then do

We encourage ourselves and others to be bold in our ideas, rapid in decision making and decisive in our actions.

Always go the extra mile

Always go the extra mile

We genuinely want you to succeed and will do all we can to make that happen.

Adapt & overcome, fast

Adapt & overcome, fast

“No plan survives first contact with the enemy”. In today’s fast paced VUCA business environment, the ability to evolve strategy and plans as the situation changes is as important to us as it is to you.

Contact us

We’d be delighted to talk to you. Enter your details into the form below and a member of the team will be in touch shortly.