What we do

How we do it

Who we are

How we behave

Mark Stanley

Mark joined the Army at 16 and completed 24yrs service during which he took part in numerous operations throughout the world. He followed this by setting up and running a leadership development company in the Middle East.

Having retired as a Warrant Officer Class 1, he then spent 9 years in the United Arab Emirates, where he led a team of instructors in the design, delivery and development of leadership training for Emirati nationals in the Oil & Gas Industry. He also ran a large outdoor multi-activity centre in the desert, delivering outdoor learning to FE colleges. In 2015 Mark was mentor to the first ever Emirati female, Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) International Learner of the Year. He has an MSc in Leadership and Management from the University of Portsmouth and a Level 4 Certificate in Training and Assessment. He is also a Fellow of the Institute of Leadership & Management (FInstLM). His passion is for cycling and being in the hills and he loves seeing people succeed outside of their comfort zone.

He Likes: Guiness.

He Dislikes: Marmite.

Favourite quote: “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” Albert Einstein